New E-Verify Bills introduced in Arkansas, Nebraska, Indiana, and Wyoming

As anticipated, state legislatures across the country have been renewing and introducing new employment eligibility and compliance laws requiring the use of E-Verify. The latest bills to be introduced are from Arkansas, Nebraska, Indiana, and Wyoming.

In Arkansas, State Representative Bill Sample, R-Hot Springs, introduced HB 1093 which would require state agencies to use E-Verify for all new employees and prohibit contractors and subcontractors from entering into new contracts for services within the state on or after July 1, 2009 unless they register and participate in E-Verify as well. The bill also establishes guidelines for the issuance of identification cards and documents by a variety of organizations including companies, service organizations, state and local agencies, public schools, and private educational institutions.

In Nebraska, Senator Brad Ashford introduced the Nebraska Fair and Legal Employment Act (LB 34) , which would require all state contractors to use E-Verify for contracts awarded after January 1, 2010. The bill would also require ALL employers to participate in E-Verify by 2011.

In Indiana , bills were introduced in both the House (H.B. 1098) and the Senate (S.372) that would require all employers in the state to participate in E-Verify by an established date.

Finally, in Wyoming, the House introduced HB 0103 which would mandate the use of E-Verify for all employers in incremental stages. All employers would eventually be required to use E-Verify three years after the effective date.