Missouri roofing company owner pleads guilty to hiring undocumented workers

The owner of a southwest Missouri roofing company has pleaded guilty to hiring, contracting and subcontracting to hire undocumented workers while knowingly accepting falsified I-9 forms. According to the plea agreement, the owner admitted that he knew his subcontractor’s employees were not authorized to work, but did nothing to terminate them or sever his relationship with the subcontractor. In a separate but related case, the subcontractor pleaded guilty to harboring charges and admitted that he had gathered copies of fake ids and prepared falsified I-9 forms in order to avoid detection.

In a press release posted today, ICE reports that the owner also agreed to forfeit $185,363, which represents the amount of proceeds obtained as a result of the offense. The owner will also receive 5 years probation and must implement an employment-compliance plan.