DHS launches “I E-Verify” campaign

Today, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced a new “I E-Verify” campaign to promote the use of E-Verify and recognize the approximately 170,000 businesses which have already enrolled. The I E-Verify campaign will essentially consist of public service announcements, posters, window stickers, and other measures to make the public more aware of E-Verify.

In addition to public relations, DHS also announced the opening of a new office in Buffalo, NY, with 135 specialists dedicated to resolving E-Verify inquiries. Enhancements to the system are also on the way, including a feature for employees to self-check their record with E-Verify before they apply for a job. Other compliance improvements will include:

  • Adding passport photos to the E-Verify photo matching tool
  • Verifying employer information against the Dun & Bradstreet database
  • Checking for duplicate employers at different locations
  • Monitoring employers who fail to meet the 3 day deadline or improperly use E-Verify to pre-screen employees.