ICE issues 180 I-9 Audit Notices to Employers in 5 States

Today, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued its latest round of I-9 Notices of Inspection (NOIs) to 180 businesses in the Southeast, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee. As previously reported, these audits stem from a new government strategy implemented in 2009 to reduce the demand for unauthorized employment and protect employment opportunities in the US. Under this strategy, ICE has been focusing its resources on administrative actions (such as I-9 auditing) rather than using the high profile (and more expensive) ICE raid as done in years past.

I-9 Auditing Links

Over the past year, we published several articles on the I-9 audit process, including potential fines. For your convenience, here are links to these various resources.