E-Verify Provisions Added to Stimulus Bill

E-Verify continues to be a hot topic, as members of Congress are now seeking to tack-on E-Verify related provisions to the economic stimulus bill. Specifically, the House Appropriations Committee has approved two amendments to the bill which would re-authorize and expand the E-Verify program.

The first amendment, offered by Representative Ken Calvert (R-CA), would reauthorize E-Verify for an additional four years. Last October, President Bush effectively extended the E-Verify Program until March 6, 2009.

The second amendment, introduced by Representative Jack Kingston (R-GA), stipulates that none of the stimulus funds may be used to enter into a contract with an “entity” that does not participate in the E-Verify program.

The Rules Committee has posted the text of the stimulus bill, officially known as “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” (H.R. 598) online. The stimulus bill will be formally introduced on Monday, January 26th.